
Positively Embracing Self-Care as a Christian Today

positively embracing self-care as as chrisitan today

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Intersection of Self-Care and Christian Faith

With life’s demands and responsibilities pulling us in every direction, it is crucial for us to prioritize our self-care and mental wellness. As a Christian, I feel it is important that we understand that tending to our physical and emotional well-being is not only practical but a spiritual responsibility as well.

God has given each of us a body, mind, and soul. Scripture refers to our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). So doesn’t it seem fitting that we tend to them as such?

And doesn’t scripture say we should be renewing our minds, (Romans 12:2)? What can we do to do just that?

When I was growing up in my early teens, it was often mentioned in church circles that we should always think of others and not ourselves first. And I get that concept. We as humans, but even more so as Christians, we are taught to live our lives as a reflection of Christ. Sacrificially. Giving of ourselves.

So how can we balance living a sacrificial and giving life while tending to our own physical, mental, and spiritual needs?

We can take a lesson from Jesus himself.

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Jesus’ Example of Self-Care

As a believer, I find valuable guidance in the life and teachings of Jesus. But I want you to notice that throughout the New Testament, we can see Jesus demonstrating the importance of self-care by taking time away to pray, rest, and renew His spirit. One notable instance is found in the Gospel of Mark:

“And he said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.’ For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.”

Mark 6:31

In this verse, Jesus recognized the need for rest and solitude, setting an example for us to follow. He understood that taking care of ourselves is crucial to fulfilling our purpose and serving others effectively.

Think about that. If we are so depleted physically and mentally, we are truly no good to anyone else, let alone ourselves or to God. How can we do what are supposed to do if we are worn down, beaten, and tired?

In Luke Chapter 4, we see that Jesus went to a solitary place to get away from the crowds who were coming for Him to prevent Him from leaving. If even Jesus needed to get away from people to have time alone, what does that mean for us?

In Luke 6:12 Jesus again goes off by Himself, up a mountain to pray.

Taking care of oneself physically, emotionally, and spiritually were modeled throughout the New Testament by Jesus Himself.

Who are we to think we DON”T need that as well?

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Christian Self-Care

When we really focus on our body, mind, and soul as gifts from God that are to be tended to, practicing self-care can ultimately be an act of worship if we do so in the right posture.

So how would this look?

a. Prayer and Meditation: Regularly setting aside time for prayer and meditation allows us to connect with God, seek His guidance, and find inner peace. As we saw earlier, Jesus often withdrew to solitary places to be alone with His Father (Luke 5:16).

b. Sabbath Rest: In the book of Genesis, God modeled the importance of rest by taking a day of rest after creating the world (Genesis 2:2-3). Similarly, observing a day of rest each week rejuvenates our bodies, refreshes our minds, and deepens our relationship with God.

c. Physical Well-being: Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). Engaging in activities that promote physical health, such as exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep, is an essential aspect of self-care.

d. Cultivating Healthy Relationships: Proverbs 27:17 teaches us the significance of iron sharpening iron through healthy relationships. Nurturing our connections with loved ones, seeking community, and surrounding ourselves with positive influences contribute to our well-being.

The Rewards of Self-Care

When we prioritize self-care, we are better equipped to serve God, love others, and fulfill our God-given purpose. By embracing self-care practices, we can gain these benefits:

  • Increased energy and productivity
  • Enhanced mental and emotional well-being
  • Improved relationships and social connections
  • Heightened spiritual awareness and growth
  • Strengthened resilience to face life’s challenges

I hope that we have learned that self-care as a Christian is not a selfish act but a biblical principle that allows us to love ourselves and others more effectively. As followers of Jesus, we are called to emulate His example of taking time for rest, prayer, and renewal.

By integrating self-care into our lives, we honor our bodies, nurture our souls, and align ourselves with God’s purpose. I pray that we find inspiration and motivation in the life of Jesus to prioritize self-care, which will allow us to live abundant lives for the glory of God.

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