7 self-care tips to improve your life today

7 Self-Care Tips to Improve Your Life Today

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7 self-care tips to improve your life today

Self-Care Tips

Life has been rough for all of us in one way or another.

Politics, Wars, Inflation, and the list goes one.

With all of the uncertainty in our lives right now, it is more important than ever to take the time to care for ourselves. Our physical, mental and spiritual health are things we must take an active role in daily. Self-Care is vital to our lives.

7 Self-Care Tips to Improve Your Life

Self-care has been one of those buzzwords for a few years now. But what does it really mean?

I think it means, literally taking care of one’s self. Taking the time to focus on our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being will help us become better, calmer, and dare I say, more loving people to be around.

But where do we even start?

Check out this list of my 7 Self-Care Tips that can make a big impact on your life.

1. Avoid looking at your phone first thing in the morning. I know this is a HARD one! But seriously, get up, get a shower, get your coffee, tend to the kids, read your bible, exercise, and then check your phone. If we can limit the barrage of emails, text messages, and news alerts from the beginning of our day, it can have a positive impact on our mental health.

2. Take time to smell the roses. Literally…Try to take a walk, sit out on your porch, or go to the park. Find a place where you can be in nature and really immerse yourself in it and take in the wonders and the beauty of the flowers, the sky, the animals, the breeze blowing, whatever moves you.

3. Listen to music. Whatever music you like. Have a private dance party all by yourself or with your kids. I like to sit on my deck when there is a nice breeze, listen to some of my favorite music, and close my eyes. It calms my soul and regenerates me as well

4 Find time to connect with others. Whether it is a friend or family, reach out. FaceTime someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Ask a friend or family member to at a new place for lunch. Text someone who you know might be a bit lonely. Play with your pet. Turn to God. Pray.

5. Try meditation. If you have never meditated, do some research and give it a try. There are a variety of methods. Find one that suits you. I go into detail about the different kinds of meditations and how to find one that is right for you here.

what you need to know about meditation before you try it

6. The Cliche…Get a massage or a pedicure. These little acts of indulgence can make your body feel good and boost your spirits. Color your hair, buy some new make-up. Soak in the tub and even light some candles. Whatever floats your boat.

7. Last but not least, Get Dressed. Whether or not you have to go to work, or are at home all day. Get up, get dressed, wash your face, put on make-up if that is something you would usually do if you left the house. Act as if you have somewhere to go, even if you don’t. This can really do a lot for your psyche.

So many of us are struggling with our physical, mental or spiritual health. If we want to make it through the challenges of this era, we have to be as proactive as we can.

Of course, these 7 Self-Care Tips aren’t going to change your entire world, but they can be a GREAT stepping stone to get you moving in the right direction.

I urge you to keep moving forward, no matter where you are in your life right now. You WILL get through the difficult days. And remember to fully take in and appreciate the smooth & beautiful days.

You are the only you…so be sure to take care of your Body, Mind and Soul. You are worth it!

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