The word Hope in Hearts

How We Can Live On Hope Street

The word Hope in Hearts(Updated 1/3/21 Original Post 1/2018)

Do You Live On Hope Street?

I drove by a sign the other day in my neighborhood. It was for a street named Hope. Hope Street sounds like a wonderful place to live. While the name may evoke good feelings, the reality of life could be far from that. Whether we live on an actual street named Hope or not, how can we spiritually live there?

What is Hope?

First let’s look at the word HOPE and it’s use in the Bible. The word is mentioned 129 times according to biblical scholars.   The main definition of the word in the bible seems to be this: of patient, confident expectancy. 

Does that describe modern day thinking of the word hope? I don’t think it does. I see modern-day hope as a synonym for the word wish. Replace the word “hope” with “wish” in the sentences we use most often in life. I wish that I could find a new job. I wish that my kids would behave. I wish that she would get well.

We use the word hope in these instances not with confident expectancy but wishful thinking. You see, biblical Hope is that of Jesus Christ. It is our patient expectancy that He will be and do all that He says. It is a trust in the One who knows all and promises that “all things work together for good to those who are called according to His purpose (those who are His)” Romans 8:28.

The HOPE of God

True Hope is not just a wish. It is the assurance that God is who He says He is, will do what He says He will do and that He loves us unconditionally. We don’t have to hope that He loves us. He does and He is our Hope. If we know Him as Lord and Savior, we already reside on Hope Street.

As we navigate through an uncertain world, we need to try to live with a patient, confident expectancy that things will get better and that we do have a positive future up ahead. 

Not only can purposeful living with a mindset of hope be an encouragement for us, it can help shape our perspective on life and lead us to live a life filled with joy.

Choose to live in HOPE today. Your body, mind and soul will thank you for it. 

A few other biblical mentions of hope:  Romans 8:24, Ephesians 1:18,         1 Thessalonians 2:19. 

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Max Lucado   Unshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God

max lucado unshakable hope book

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One thought on “How We Can Live On Hope Street

  1. I have always found it interesting how the meanings of words evolve over time. I wouldn’t have thought about how “hope” has changed too. Thanks for pointing this out!

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