The Covid Life
I have so many thoughts going on at once during these crazy times. First off, our family has been hit by Covid-19 and thankfully the person who was ill made it through after 2 weeks in the hospital and the rest of us were on a 14 day quarantine.
It was very stressful. Worrying about the sick member and then worrying whether or not one of the rest of us would get sick. We were each trying to combat our own anxiety. That time period was tough. But thankfully, we all made it through.
Then we had to go back out into the world. While my son, who is a senior in high school, is finishing up his school work online, the hubby and I both went back to work. It was a bit scary. After a couple of weeks, it became more “normal”. Our new normal became us constantly washing hands, wiping everything down, not getting too close to co-workers, etc. But as we humans are, we are resilient and will figure out a way to get through.
Maintaining Mental Wellness
As many of us ease back into various aspects of our lives, with some restrictions being lifted, we still have to be cautious by wearing masks, social distancing, etc. Trying to find the right balance for both physical health and mental health is a tightrope act.
While this time is hard for many, it is even more difficult for those already struggling with mental health issues. So what are we to do?
I have found that regular meditation, self-care and spending time with God (in prayer or reading His word) have been very helpful. Also keeping in contact with family and friends, through text, calls, video chat or even an old fashion letter are essential.
For some, being in lock-down is great, for others it can be extremely difficult. Keep in mind that not everyone is handling things in the same way mentally that you are. Be kind and cut everyone some slack.
Adjusting to Our New Normal
While most of us are just so DONE with this pandemic and all the issues it has caused, we still understand that we must be careful and do what is necessary to keep ourselves and others safe. But at the same time it is important for us to carry on. To keep moving forward.
Our area (Virginia) has begun with Phase 1 of reopening. So a few more business are open and those things can help us to start to feel more “normal”. I encourage you to enjoy this new “freedom” but continue with recommended precautions.
Over the next several months as we move forward, I hope you will be diligent in taking care of yourself both physically and mentally. Remembering that at some point in time, this whole thing will be just a distant memory.
So what can we do until then? We can try to find the silver lining in this hardship. If we look close, we can find the good during this difficult time.
Find the Good
Can’t seem to find any good? How about this…One of the things that I have learned from this pandemic is that we are all so interconnected. Think about it. This shut-down has shined a light on much we truly rely on others to get through our day. No job is unimportant. Including yours.
From the cashier to the EMT’s, from the sanitation worker to the doctors, from the truck drivers to the food processing plant workers. The farmers, the dry cleaners, the hair stylists, and barbers. The teachers, the parents and the nursing home workers. The people in the entertainment and sports world. We rely on all of them in some way.
All of these jobs (and many more) are so important. No matter how much one makes, each of these jobs play a role in helping our society function. And when one of these jobs is not active, it affects so many others.
Be thankful for what you do have in your life, and be grateful to others for the jobs that they do. By each one of us doing our job (and for some right now the job is to stay home), we are helping one another.
Have a blessed day and I pray that we will all get through this!
Glad your family member is feeling better!! Self care has been so important to my mental health through all this
Looking after yourself is so important! I agree that finding the good really helps keep positive.
Amber – The Unpredicted Page