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My Anti-Anxiety Kit
As I have mentioned here before, I deal with anxiety and have family members that do as well. Some even struggle with panic attacks. Neither of these are fun to go through.
Over the years, I have found several different ways to help combat anxiety and panic (read more here). One of the ways that I find helpful is to have a little pouch filled with some of my anti-anxiety items.
Do you have anything like that? A pouch or pack that contains items that can help you when you are struggling with anxiety?
In my pouch(kit), I put the things that are useful to me to help relieve or diminish any anxiety I might be feeling.
Here is what my kit includes:

- Doublemint Gum: The act of chewing gum helps distract me and the mint flavor is a calming element.
- Stress Relief Hand Lotion from Bath and Body Works: The act of rubbing on lotion, again distraction, and the scent is a calming one for me. (eucalyptus and spearmint)
- Ear Buds: I connect to my phone to listen to either breathing meditations or music. I keep my spare pair in here.
- Essential Oils: Certain ones are great to help ease the body and mind into a calm. I use a few different varieties.
- Ibuprofen: Often times I will get a headache with anxiety, and Ibuprofen helps with that, and somehow seems to ease my anxiety.
- Imodium or similar: I also have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which can be exacerbated by anxiety, so I always have an anti-diarrheal med on hand.

I keep the Essential Oils bottles in the smaller pouch, but tuck that inside the bigger one for easy access. (Both of the pouches are from Thirty-One if anyone was wondering.)
If you deal with anxiety or panic attacks, I encourage you to create your own anti-anxiety pouch. While this isn’t a cure-all, it can help you to feel more secure, knowing that if you feel anxious or panicky, you have some physical thing you can reach for to help calm you.
If you already have an Anti-Anxiety Kit or are thinking about putting one together, I’d love to know what you have (or will be putting) in yours.

Check out my review of the book, Everything Isn’t Terrible by Dr. Kathleen Smith.
Conquer Your Insecurities, Interrupt Your Anxiety and Finally Calm Down
More tips on combating anxiety and panic:
Great post! I can relate with this so much. My bag typically has Rescue Remedy (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000RFTCZW/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=forgottenmyst-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B000RFTCZW&linkId=6a8824e33523d69bfa07b7154eeb6d20), Imodium (This stuff really works!!), water bottle (I get terrible dry mouth when I’m anxious), and calming essential oil (my favorite is Jasmine). I listen to music on my phone sometimes as well.
This is a great idea! I think I create a little pouch of my own!