conquer fear everyday

What Does It Mean to Live Life Fearlessly?

conquer fear everyday

What is Living Fearlessly?

I started this blog to help encourage not only you, but myself, to Live Fearlessly.  But what does that really mean?  I think it can mean different things to different people.

For me living fearlessly doesn’t mean living unafraid, but going for it in spite of any fear.  We can try to will ourselves all we want to not have fear, but sometimes it is there nonetheless.

For me, I have been dealing with anxiety that caused me to hold back in my life. To limit my options.  To let fear rule the day. To not live life to the fullest and I don’t want to be like that anymore. I want to live my life in freedom.

Some of us live with the fear of failure and that causes us to not go for it. For others, it may be fear of rejection or worrying about what others may think of us.  Just think for a minute of all the things you would have done, places you would have gone if you hadn’t let fear or anxiety take over.

How Can We Breakthrough?

So what can we do to break through and move beyond our fear?

  • Surround yourself with people who believe in you. Limit contact with those who tend to tear you down.
  • Say positive things to yourself each day.
  • Give to others. By doing this, it builds up not just them, but you as well. (Read Doing Good for Others Provides Benefit for Us)
  • Make a list of Goals. Include the things you have wanted to do, but have previously let fear hold you back from them. Have Daily, Weekly, Monthly goals. Write them down or put them on your phone. Set alarms to remind you of them.
  • Listen to music that moves or inspires you.
  • Talk with God. Pray, read His word if that is something you believe in.

Having a plan can help you get on track to live the life you have always wanted. Full of freedom and fear-free!

We can live life Fearlessly!

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