It is May 2020 and I am restarting the Weight Watchers (WW) program. I had great success with the program last year (read my FULL review here) and was doing well, but then came holidays, one after another. Birthdays, one after another, and then the lovely Covid-19.
Category: Health/Wellness
They tell us not to panic during this pandemic but…
Do you have an anti-anxiety pack? I have one and here’s why you should, too.
I know first hand how devastating anxiety can be. I have experienced anxiety and panic attacks. I have had a close family member experience it in an even more intense way than I did and I was right there, trying to help them get through it. It often can be all-consuming. Day and night. I understand now that every one experiences it in a different way. It can also be closely tied with depression.
If you are someone who is plagued with anxiety, however severe or mild it may be, there are 5 things you can do every day to help ease your anxiety.
So, I didn’t think I would ever be talking personally about the topic of IBS. I can talk much more openly about anxiety, though I admit, at first that too was a challenge and a bit scary.
The following are some of the self-care practices I do daily. I hope to inspire and encourage you to create a self-care plan for yourself if you haven’t already. Yours will likely be very different than mine. You are unique and your self-care ideas must be pertinent to you.
No one who knows me would call me adventurous. I have usually lived my life pretty safe. I am not one who likes to try new things such as kayaking, zip-lin