Body Mind & Soul
When you think about taking care of yourself or when we use the word, Self-Care, what do you think about?
Do you think about ONE area of your life that needs “fixing”? Maybe what comes to mind is your physical appearance or your health. Maybe you think about your mental state and how that needs improvement. Perhaps your spiritual side has been neglected.
What if you were to take a holistic approach to self-care?
Have you ever considered that by taking care of all three areas of your life, the benefits would overlap?
As human beings, we are created with three separate but intermingled components.
Body, Mind & Soul.
And each aspect of ourselves is just as important as the other. Caring for all parts of oneself is considered Holistic Self-Care.
The best way to feel good mentally, physically, and spiritually is to tend to each one. It will help us to live with peace, contentment, and fulfillment. It will also help us to withstand the trials in life, be more productive and be helpful to others.
Think about it, if you currently have a physical health problem, say high blood pressure for example, or if you are carrying some extra weight, these issues can make you feel anxious, uncomfortable, or self-conscious.
Can you see how the lack of physical health can then have an impact on your mental health? Or what if your mental health has gone awry causing, let’s say, anxiety or depression, your body will surely feel it in a variety of ways.
Or what if your spiritual self has been neglected? You may find it hard to find meaning in life or to find joy in others. You might withdraw, feel depressed or make bad decisions.
So why don’t we take a closer look at all three areas of our lives: Body, Mind & Soul.
Holistic Self-Care is the Ultimate Care
1. The Body
Our bodies are complicated things. Some are big, and some are small. Some are short, some are tall. (That sounds a bit like Dr. Seuss.) We all have a body. Whether your body looks like a Greek god or if it is the complete opposite of that, your body serves a purpose. If you are a highly physically-abled person or someone who deals with physical disabilities, your body serves a purpose for you.
Yeah. We have a body. So now what? I have come to learn as of late, that yeah, it is our job to take care of our own bodies. We only get one in this life. And think about it…when our bodies are feeling good, we tend to feel better all over.
Suggestions on How to Care for Your Body
- Practice good hygiene and grooming habits (Wash, brush, lotion, clean…etc your body, face, hair, nails daily).
- Get regular exercise. Whatever form you like and are able to do. Yoga, Zumba, Pilates, Circuit Training, Walking, Running.
- Make better choices when eating /cooking. Find what works for or inspires you. Example: Vegan lifestyle, Weight Watchers, Keto.
- Take vitamins or supplements that complement your lifestyle and needs. Example: Probiotics, Multivitamins, Omega-3.
- Get adequate sleep. Turn off the phone, the tv, and the computer. Set a regular bedtime schedule for yourself and try to stick to it, even on the weekends.
- Get a Message or a mani/pedi.
- Allow yourself a nap once in a while.
- See your primary care doctor for regular annual visits or whenever you have an issue arise.
These are just a few ways that come to mind when we think about caring for our bodies. What else do you do?
2. The Mind
The mind plays such an important part in our total overall well-being. When it is not at peace, it can cause all sorts of problems. If you suffer from anxiety, depression, or any other mental health issue, you are fully aware of this. Our brains are literally the control center for the rest of our bodies so it makes sense that if our minds are working properly, our bodies will want to follow.
Whether you have a mental health diagnosis or not, it is important for all of us to take care of our minds. There are many ways we can incorporate good mind/brain health into our daily lives. It can help to improve our emotional state and our cognitive skills as well. A healthy mind can allow us to think clearer and make better decisions.
Caring for Your Brain/Mind (Cognitive and Emotional)
This is just a starting point. Find what works for you and discover ways to improve your overall brain health.
- Do brain games (puzzles, sudoku, play chess, etc) or play video games.
- Learn something new ( take a class, learn a language).
- Turn off the NEWs and/or social media for a period of time.
- Practice Meditation.
- Learn to Pray.
- Speak positive affirmations to yourself daily.
- Get a good night’s sleep.
- Eat healthfully and exercise.
- Seek the help of a therapist or the like when needed.
3. The Soul

Ah, the Soul. This is oftentimes a difficult part of ourselves to even identify. How I identify the soul is the place within (the essence of who we are) that houses our emotions, and relational connections with others and with God. Some may refer to it as the spirit.
The Soul is oftentimes more neglected than the rest of us. But it is just as important if not more so. This is how and where we make connections feel and love. It is imperative that we tend to this part of ourselves as well.
Caring for Your Soul
- Make a point of spending time with people you enjoy (family, friends or even your pets).
- Get out in nature for a minimum of 20 min a day if possible. Go for a walk on the beach, sit on the porch, breathe the air, look at the clouds in the sky, tend to your garden.
- Find spiritual connections via attending church or small groups.
- Spend time in prayer and/or reading scripture daily.
- Listen to music that moves you, inspires you, or causes you to worship.
- Reach out to others that are hurting and try to lend a hand or an ear. Help them with a physical or emotional need if possible.
- Decompress. Take time away from others. Give yourself some alone time. Even 5 minutes in the car before you come home from work. Or get up 15 minutes earlier in the morning than needed just to spend quiet time alone or with God.
- Be forgiving to yourself and to others.
There so many other ways to feed your soul. What else can you think of?
Body, Mind and Soul

This is all of you. And each part overlaps with the other. While you were going over the suggestions for each of the care components for body, mind & soul, did you realize that several of the suggestions could have easily been used for another component? For example, the message for the body could easily have been listed under the mind section. Relieving physical tensions can help alleviate mental ones. It is all intertwined.
What I hope you take away from this, is to know that you matter and that it is vital that YOU take care of YOU, Body, Mind & Soul. You are irreplaceable. Body Mind and Soul.
Remember to think of yourself as a whole. Not just a body. Not just a mind. Not just a soul. You are a three-in-one beautiful person. My prayer for you is to look, feel and live your best life. Enjoy peace and balance every day.
The best way to think of yourself is as a whole. I think it’s easy to forget to take care of our WHOLE body. Great tips on ways that we can take care of body, mind, and soul.
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I appreciate it!
Just being outside, surrounded by nature, is something that always helps me relax. Great post!
I love that you gave ideas for self care activities. I know it’s important but sometimes we run out of ideas
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
I absolutely love the way you’ve split this because really it is so important to take care of all parts of you, I could probably use with being better on my mind self cafe x
Kayleigh Zara 🌿 http://www.kayleighzaraa.com
Thanks for stopping by. Yes caring for ourselves as a whole us so important.
Amazing post! It’s so important to take care of all aspects of ourselves, rather than just ‘fixing’ something. Thanks for all the great tips!x
LOVE this post – so spot on that we need to take care of the whole of us. Thanks so much for sharing,
H x
Thanks for stopping by. Yes…total self- care is the new self-care!
I love that you covered the mind body and spirit in this post and are raising awareness of how to help take care of all of these.
People very often over look and do not connect to their soul.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful post!
This is so right on. I know I try to practice self care and focus on mind or body but never mind body and soul together. I love your examples. I am going to make an effort to spend 20 minutes I nature and take better care of my hygiene like using moisturizer. Thanks for sharing!
I have been slacking off lately, to me to get back to taking good care of myself.
Lovely post, just what I needed ♥️
Great blog post! Keep up the good work!
Thank you for sharing. This post was very informative. Self care is a must!
Great post and a great way to think about taking care of yourself. I’ve felt the physical impact of my mental health problems over the last six months.
I love how you integrated all three parts of us (body, mind, and soul) into self care. I agree, taking care of each one of these will overlap and help us to be whole. Beautiful post, sweet sister. Blessings to you and yours this week … 🙏💕