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Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15th, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He is most well-known for propelling the civil rights movement forward with his non-violent peaceful protests and sit-ins, and his stirring speeches.
He was an activist from the years of 1955 up until his assassination on April 4th, 1968.
People in this country may have varying opinions about the man, but none can deny he was instrumental in making positive changes in our society in regard to racial disparities and inequalities.
Despite the fact that the Civil Rights Movement began over 65 years ago, we still have a lot of work to do. We have come a long way…but we still have a ways to go.
The hatred that we see in this nation today is hard to swallow. The fact that someone would despise another person simply for their race, skin color, religion, ethnicity, country of origin, or sexual or gender identity, is beyond my comprehension.

How to Honor His Legacy
In remembrance of MLK Jr., I encourage each of us to take a moment and examine ourselves. Do we harbor bias or judgment about another person based on any of these? If so, we need to ask ourselves why? Why does it matter if another person is different than us?
They are human beings just as we are and they are deserving of the same rights and opportunities that we are. Stop and think. Is there anyone or any group of people that you feel some type of way about?
Be conscious and mindful of those thoughts and take a step back to realize we are all just trying to do the best we can each and every day.
Spiritual Influence
One of the things I so appreciated about Dr. King is his speeches and writings. Perhaps it was the Baptist minister’s background and his great faith in God that really made his words pierce through to one’s heart.
I hope you will take a moment to listen to or read Martin Luther King, Jr.’s words. The cadence of his voice and the meaning behind the words he spoke are like a balm to the soul.
Remember, we are all made by the same Creator and in His image. When we see another person who may be different than us, be reminded of that.
Speech was given at Stanford University in April 1967 about Poverty in America

What a beautiful tribute to Martin Luther King! We always need to be mindful and conscious of our views of others and have the mind of Christ. We are all God’s children.