how old is too old to trick or treat

How Old is Too Old to Trick or Treat?

how old is too old to trick or treat

Is it Just Me?

For years, I found myself upset when kids who appeared to be older teenagers (or even adults, who shall remain nameless) visit my house on Halloween expecting to get a treat from me.

I held the belief that Trick or Treating was for young kids only. And only for those who actually made an effort to put on a costume. Some older kids have come with no costume and either a pillowcase or a plastic grocery bag as their trick or treat bag.

For the longest time, I would give them candy when they arrived but would mumble under my breath after they were out of earshot, how they didn’t even dress up or that they were too old to be trick or treating.

I found it interesting that no one else around me seemed to be bothered by it. Why was I? After listening to friends and family I was made aware that some of the seemingly older kids may very well be those who have special needs or perhaps come from lower-income families. Or maybe they are just kids who still want to have fun on Halloween and get some free candy. As simple as that.

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Who Do I Think I Am?

I really had to examine my heart about this. Who was I to say when someone was too old to trick or treat? And the kid that didn’t have a costume, maybe their parents couldn’t afford one or they didn’t have the time to get or make one because they are just too busy with life. Who knows? And honestly, it is none of my business.

Here I am, writing about treating others with kindness, sharing how we never know what someone else is going through and that we should just be kind, and I am grumbling about a couple of kids who didn’t meet my standards as a qualifying trick or treater. Who do I think I am?

Well, I am glad to say that I have come to see the error of my ways. Though I may have been kind to the kid or adult who knocked at my door, I didn’t feel love or joy when I was giving. For that, I apologize.

I recently heard about this elderly lady who had never trick or treated in her life and went out for the first time at the age of 91. This made me smile. Watch here.

From here on out, everyone is welcome to trick or treat at my house with no judgment. Costume or no costume. 9 months old or 90 years old. You can count on a smile and a couple of pieces of candy from now on.

image of 3 jack o'lanterns

Happy Trick or Treating!!

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11 thoughts on “How Old is Too Old to Trick or Treat?

  1. I kind of want to go trick or treating just for old time sake. I didn’t get to go often as a kid but I did get to go maybe once or twice and I loved it. Just to be able to relive your childhood is always an amazing feeling. Glad you decided to change your thoughts. Who knows…maybe one day you’ll be out there trick or treating!

  2. I don’t think one can be too old. It may depend on the situation, but I think it’s ok for high school students to trick-or-treat- I think there are many worse things they could be up to on Halloween than going door to door for candy.

  3. It used to annoy me but then I realized that there are much, much worse things teens could be out doing at night, so more power to them! That and I live in a more rural area and spent my Halloweens at someone else’s house helping pass out candy. My sister recently moved out too, so I guess we’ll have to find something else to do for Halloween night!

  4. Honestly, I don’t think there should be an age limit as long as people are dressing up, having fun and obeying respecting the time. I have no problem when anyone really comes trick or treating, whether it’s parents holding their infant on the first trick or treating experiences or teenagers just looking for some evening fun which is also a lot safer alternative that other things.

    My biggest qualm with the teenagers is only that they typically follow the “lights out” rule. I was raised as was most people I know that when the house is dark they either aren’t giving out candy or they ran out so don’t go ringing the doorbell at 9 at night! But, they’re kids and things happen.

  5. This was very sweet! (pun not intended…)

    I can’t remember when my last trick-or-treating Halloween was, but I can still see the appeal, even though I definitely feel too old for it now!

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