The Footprints in the Sand poem is one that I heard when I was a child and it always stuck with me. I didn’t realize
Year: 2021

Have you ever fallen in love with someone only to have it fade away? What about your relationship with Jesus?

November is often the month that we think about being thankful. We tend to take stock of the many reasons why we should be filled

Worship Wednesday: This week’s selection is Mercy Me’s Even If. The song lyrics explore how we can get to a place of faith in God EVEN

Is it Just Me? For years, I found myself upset when kids who appeared to be older teenagers (or even adults, who shall remain nameless)

Body Mind & Soul When you think about taking care of yourself or when we use the word, Self-Care, what do you think about? Do

Today is another Worship Wednesday! Our selection for the day is CeCe Winans- Believe For It. When I first heard this song on KLOVE Radio,

Who Needs to Take a Mental Health Day Do you ever have those days where you just seem so overwhelmed or maybe you are simply