
My Place of Peace: The Outer Banks, NC

Nags Head, NC

My Place of Peace

I recently read a post by Joan Senio at My Best Friend Adeline, entitled “Beach Love.” In it she talks about the beach being her special place to feel at peace. I can so relate. I feel that way as well.

But I have one beach in particular that I love. It is in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. When I am longing for that place, I imagine my favorite spot. It is actually the Nags Head Pier. It is an older pier where die-hard fishermen go fishing. They have a great little restaurant on-site as well. It’s very low-key.

I admit, at first I was a little leery of the place as it seemed so old and almost run-down. Especially compared to the newly renovated pier just down the road, Jeanette’s Pier. Jeanette’s is a fabulous pier with a gift shop and has so much to offer as it is associated with the NC Aquarium. It really is a beautiful place. But for some reason, I still prefer the much more rugged Nags Head Pier.

looking towards the beach from Nags Head Pier, Outer Banks, NC
Nags Head Pier

I guess for me, perhaps it’s the memories that it holds. My son, at the age of 4 caught a baby shark while fishing with his dad. He was so proud of himself (Yes, we threw it back in).

Maybe it’s the smells that I once hated but now love; fish bait and ocean air. Or the beautiful view from the end of the pier.

Maybe I love it because it’s the place where my husband and I would go at dusk to relax and take in the majesty of the ocean, the beach, the sky. Basking in God’s creation. We’d sit there until well after dark, listening to the rush of the waves crashing in.

Nags Head Pier at Dusk

Whatever the reason, this spot, and the Outer Banks, in general, is a place that I love to go to in order to truly relax and be at peace. Do you have a place like that?

Nags Head, NC

Regardless of where your place of peace is, I hope you can get there again. Even if it is just in your mind. ‘Cause for me…. “In my mind, I’m gone to Carolina.” Thank you, James Taylor!

For some amazing photos from the Outer Banks, check out my favorite photographer, THE OBX BEACH BUM.

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7 thoughts on “My Place of Peace: The Outer Banks, NC

  1. I love this post and I also love the Outer Banks, so very much. We have been searching for a house there for over a year… it will be a dream come true to be able to call NC home! We have enjoyed so many visits to the Nags Head Pier, as well as Jeannette’s, Avalon, and Kitty Hawk Piers over the years. And of course our family treks up Jockey’s Ridge! Thanks for sharing this beautiful post which has brought such a smile to me, and thanks so much for the shout out for my blog, too. Come on summer!
    Joan Senio
    My Best Friend Adeline

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment! I am so envious…best of luck with your home search. I do hope we get to visit OBX this summer. I need it.

  2. Great post! I relate. Memories and nostalgia are a huge factor in my places of peace. For me, it’s usually in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Love it.

  3. The Outer Banks sound lovely. In the past whenever I’ve read books that are set in that area of the country, it sounds so serene. Would love to visit one day. I’m still searching for a place that brings me peace. As of now, I search for the peace where I’m at even if it’s hiding in my room from my kids…LOL

    1. Thanks for stopping by. And yes, wherever,whenever you can find a few minutes to have peace is great. Sometimes my day to day place of peace is in my car…alone listening to music.

  4. One of the many reasons I love spring is that it feels like a rebirth and a chance to start over or start something new. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!

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