
Set Aside Time For Yourself


time for yourself


Set Aside Time for Yourself

This can be very challenging for some of us. Setting aside time for ourselves and our well-being. We are often so busy taking care of others, and that is a good thing, but we can’t forget to take care of ourselves first.  You may think, I just don’t have any time to myself.

And your are probably right. Women, in particular, but men as well often juggle so many responsibilities and roles that it can be so difficult to find time for ourselves. And if we do find the time, we end up wasting it on social media. Somehow we always find time for that, right?



We know caring for ourselves is important for us and the others we care for. When we are strong and healthy, physically and mentally we are much more effective in our lives.  So how can we do this? How can we care for ourselves? Prioritize. 

Accept that your name should be on the list of things to do or care for each day.  Review your current schedule. See if there is a small block of time that you can squeeze out an extra five or ten minutes.  Maybe first thing in the morning, maybe before bed.

Perhaps on your lunch break from work. Or the few minutes before you go into work. Review your monthly schedule and find times where you can pencil yourself in.

Here are a few ideas to help you care for yourself:

  • Quick Relaxing Time: This can be your five or ten minute block each day. Do what is relaxing and enjoyable to you. Sit quietly alone, read, listen to music, meditate, do yoga, pray.  Whatever serves you best. This will help you to decompress. Recharge.
  • Extended Fun/Pleasurable Time: Find an activity that you truly enjoy and carve out time to do this each week or month. Literally put this in your calendar with a reminder.  This could be anything from getting a massage, to meeting with friends for wine or coffee. Going on a date with your significant other. Going fishing. A bubble bath. Whatever is enjoyable and healthy for you.
  • Physical Exercise: Find one thing you don’t currently do as far as exercise goes that you at least mildly enjoy and incorporate this weekly. For me, it would likely be a walk. Maybe I’ll even take my dog along.
  • Limit Social Media Time: Set aside specific times of the day to check and respond to social media. All other parts of the day, shut it down. You may find you have extra time to do something else.
  • Let others know. You may have to let others in your world know that you are prioritizing yourself and your well-being. Certain days/times are set aside for you. You can encourage them do the same for themselves.


Becoming a Habit

After a while talking care of yourself will be come second nature. You must not let yourself get depleted. It is important for you to take care of YOU by taking time for yourself so you can take care of your responsibilities.  If you are a praying person, I encourage you to pray daily as well.  Ask God to help you as you seek to care for yourself in a new way.

When you realize that you are just as important as everyone else, you might just start taking care of you better.


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