hand with post it note saying Set Goals

January Goals, Not Resolutions

I am not much for making resolutions per se, but I do think setting goals can be a good and productive thing. For this year I am making a plan to set up and strive for three different goals for the next few months and for the year.

I love having things organized but actually getting things organized is my issue. I have succeeded in a few areas (sort of) but one of my goals is to get there in other areas of my life.

Here is a glimpse at my 2018 goals:

  1. Make a Home Organizing Binder. This is something that I often thought just “super-moms” had. Since I am not what I consider that to be, I didn’t think I needed one. Boy, was I wrong! I have been checking out other blogs and Pinterest pins and have found some amazing Home Organizing Binder ideas. Here are some great printables if you are interested in starting your own Home Management/Organizing binder.  Ideally, I want to have mine up and running before the end of January.
  2. Create and manage a way to save money for vacations and incidental travels. Because the majority of my and my husband’s family live in other states, we often travel to visit them in the spring and summer, usually having to stay in a hotel which can often leave us strapped. I’d like to find a way to save up a good chunk of cash. I am thinking of trying this method, The 52 week savings plan challenge, but tweaking it slightly. I’ll try to keep you abreast of my progress.
  3. Do 3 positive things to help others, trying to make them an habitual thing. One thing I plan on participating in is helping out our church food bank. The church supplies bags of groceries via the local elementary schools. The other two things, I am not sure of. I’ll give myself til the end of January to figure it out.

So that is my starter list of goals. I am going full steam ahead and in the spirit of living fearlessly am going to dive right in.  Are you with me? What goals have you come up with for the month or the year?

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