
It’s Been a While….

blank page and fountain pen


It is has been a couple of weeks since I have made a blog entry.  Why? Well, I have been busy, but in reality I have also been uninspired, lacked motivation, feeling, well…blah.  I thought about why I sometimes feel so inspired to write and other times not so much. After a good bit of thought, I determined it is a couple of things.

First, I haven’t been doing any reading. I would often read books and would find some nuggets of goodness that would spark a little something in me that would cause me to write. Also  I haven’t been reading my bible. It has literally been weeks. Now, I listen to Christian radio daily, (KLOVE) but have lacked a connection with God via His Word. My prayer life has been lacking as well. And lastly, I haven’t been attending church for weeks now. I didn’t realize it, but often times my creative juices just don’t seem to flow when I am not involved with or connected to God.

So with that being said, it made me think of other areas in my life.  What happens in them when I am not in sync with the Lord?  It honestly didn’t occur to me that so much of what makes my life full and prosperous stems from my relationship with Him.   All of my relationships with others, my work and even my leisure. So today, I am vowing to get back in touch.  Make a consorted effort to “Seek Him First”.

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